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Domestic Violence The Silence Is Deafening

We saw an article recently that talked about the prevalence of domestic violence in the United States. It included an alarming statistic that most victims do not talk about their experiences. In this article we will explore those statistics and try to make sense of why the silence is deafening. The article was based on a study paid for by the Avon Foundation for Women and conducted by GFK Public Affairs and Corporate Communications. 301 teenagers between the ages of 15 and 17, and just over 1000 adults 18 and over were surveyed. Using statistical analysis and polling and population figures the study estimated that "54 million Americans report that they have been a victim of domestic violence including one in three women." In a press release about this study the group states that it "uncovers staggering silence and inaction around domestic violence and sexual assault." Actually that is not surprising. Other studies notably by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found that 35.6% of women "have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime." Other studies have corroborated the statistics about domestic violence but none that we have seen have addressed the issue of not talking about it. Less than one out of every six men discuss the issue with their friends. The same Avon study showed that 58% of victims who told somebody about it said that nobody helped them. A good start is to raise awareness about the issue which is exactly what domestic violence awareness month, held each October, is all about. All over the country in October groups are sponsoring events to raise awareness about domestic violence and domestic abuse. And for its part, Avon Foundation For Women plans on working at the corporate level to develop programs such as "bystander training programs" for companies to educate their employees about domestic violence and sexual assault. We noticed the other day at a local VA facility that there were posters about sexual assault in the workplace so the military is trying to do its part. The thinking, whether it's right or wrong, is that discussions about the subject can "end the cycle and bring the issue to light in a new way." Contributing to the silence is the "fear, shame and stigma" associated with domestic violence. Some other facts. Medical costs related to domestic violence approach $4.2 billion a year. 92% of women surveyed in another study listed domestic violence as their number one concern. And nearly 20% of all teenage girls who were in a relationship said their boyfriend threatened them with violence if they broke up. With this level of abuse and the imminent threat of danger in such a relationship, it is no wonder why many people suggest that women carry a self-defense product such as a stun gun or pepper spray. We have recommended for a very long time that women, especially, carry a self-defense product on a keychain such as this Potent Pepper Spray with them wherever they go for their personal safety and personal security. Please take a look at our selection of Pepper Sprays to see which one you like the best. Guardian Self-Defense & Security Products LLC is one of the largest most trusted online distributors of non-lethal self-defense items and surveillance equipment in the US. We specialize in premium pepper spray, mace, personal alarms, stun batons and more. We are "The Self Defense Product Experts"!
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