Escape To Freedom Or Domestic Abuse?

Here is an article about Domestic Abuse and the decision that just about everyone in a domestic violence situation has to make. Do you try and escape to freedom or put up with the domestic abuse? It may seem like a simple and obvious answer-escape! But for everyone involved in a domestic violence situation is not easy. "To escape the violence, there...

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Domestic Violence-Could It Happen To You?

We saw a headline recently where a recent survey conducted during Domestic Violence month reported that 98% of adults in California believe that domestic violence can happen to anyone. Statistics of all kinds back that up. Domestic violence crosses all racial, ethnic, age, religious belief, social and economic barriers. There are a wide variety of reasons why domestic violence is so under...

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Hurdle In Domestic Violence

Domestic violence in a relationship is about as difficult a situation to handle as any. It is fraught with hurdles. This story is about one Domestic Violence Hurdle that typifies the problems with domestic violence. It essentially talks about police involvement. "When a police officer responds to a (domestic violence) call, the first thing he or she does is to separate the...

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Domestic Violence Cases Cause Squeeze On Shelter Space

This is a story from a St. Louis television station that is reporting a shortage of shelter space for women because that an increase in Domestic Violence. Shelters are particularly busy in winter time and this winter has been one of the most difficult and challenging pushing people to the edge. There is no particular explanation anybody can come up with for...

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Assaults On Women

This is a story from the Blackpool Gazette in the United Kingdom about Assaults On Women. The gist of the story is that, on average, a woman will be hit or threatened by a partner 35 times before she reports it to the authorities. "Historically domestic abuse is a hidden crime. What happens within four walls, stays within four walls." The abuse...

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Domestic Violence-The Secret Killer

Everyone knows about domestic violence as a criminal issue. But this article by Forbes magazine talks about it in a social, business and health context. Read the whole story from Forbes magazine HERE. The article makes the argument that "domestic violence reduces productivity leads to absenteeism and drives up health care costs" costing an estimated $8.3 billion was higher medical expenses and...

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Domestic Violence On The Rise In Ozarks

This is a story and video about Domestic Violence and how domestic violence cases are on the rise in Springfield, Missouri. It describes the victim was in abusive marriage for 12 years and didn't recognize how dangerous it was. Police and community officials are trying to address this issue throughout the city and state. The number and severity of domestic violence cases...

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