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                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW
                                ⚡ 110,000,000 VOLT STUN BATON PROMO SHOP NOW

Flash Mob Violence Very Scary

Flash mob robberies are becoming a major crime problem in metropolitan areas nationwide. If you're not familiar with flash mobs, I will explain. By definition it's a group of people who organize and assemble suddenly in a public place. The motivation for this used to be entertainment or shock value. Members would perform some type of orchestrated act for a short time, and then disperse. For example, T-Mobile organized a flash mob of 400 tourists and staff that spontaneously broke into a choreographed dance routine at a Liverpool Street Station. Today, flash mobs are being organized for the sole purpose of committing crimes. Using social media technologies to quickly and efficiently organize, these mobs are taking department stores and neighborhoods by storm. Let's take a look at some recent flash mob robberies. Recently, flash mobs took over the streets of an affluent Chicago neighborhood. A gang of 20 teens severely beat and dragged victims through the streets. In another attack, a man was knocked from his bike then assaulted. His cell phone and camera were stolen in attack. Flash mobs were responsible for four retail robberies all within a ten minute period. Last month in D.C. a flash mob of 20 teens stormed into G Star Raw. Within minutes they made off with nearly $20,000 in merchandise. In Vegas, flash mobs have been hitting convenience stores. They are in and out in minutes; leaving with cash and merchandise. These types of crimes are proving to be extremely powerful and effective. Large groups such as these are nearly impossible for by-standers to stop and law enforcement simply can't be everywhere. It's up to you and me to stay safe on these mean streets. Non-lethal self defense weapons like pepper spray or mace can protect you from attack. Now is the time to adopt a proactive approach to your personal security. Pepper spray or mace gives you the ability to stop an attacker from a safe distance. A quick spray to the face will stop someone almost instantly. It takes no special training or skill set to administer. Pepper spray is legal, totally non-lethal and affordable.
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