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Prevalence of Violent Crime - Is Security Your Top Priority?

Each year the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) releases detailed crime statistics for the United States. As you might imagine the time necessary to "crunch the numbers" takes awhile. As a result the most up-to-date US crime statistics have just been released for 2008. If you don't realize or believe that crime is a major problem everywhere in the United States, then you are about to be enlightened. It is amazing to me how so many of us just are not aware of the major problems that crime and drugs present in our communities daily. We get up and go about our daily routine "blind" to the fact of just how dangerous the society we live in is. Typically, when we realize the danger it is too late and a tragedy just took place. Some real crime statistics to consider are:
  • Every half hour a murder takes place somewhere in the U.S.! That means nearly 48 people are murdered daily.
  • Rape and sexual assault are at epidemic levels and nearly half of all cases go unreported! Every six minutes a forced rape takes place in the United States. That is 10 victims per hour and 240 a day!
  • Every 23 seconds a violent crime takes place. Nearly three per minute. Almost 180 per hour! Over 4200 per day!
Hopefully, this got your attention. If not take a minute and do some research at to confirm the accuracy of what I'm telling you. Think about this analogy for a moment. Most of us get up each and everyday prepared and ready to go to work. The motivation is to provide for yourself and family. The check you bring home helps provide basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. Now consider that nearly one in four of us will be the victim of crime at some point in our lives. If you don't make personal safety and home security a top priority in your life right now you are doing yourself and family an injustice. So what can you do to make sure security is your top priority? We recommend taking a real world, no nonsense approach to home security, personal safety and self defense. Don't try to do too much and don't do it alone. Remember the old saying about power in numbers? Well it is a fact, that there IS power in numbers, so use it to your advantage.
  • Many local law enforcement agencies offer home security consultations free of charge. This means someone from the police department will come out evaluate your home and property. They will identify potential safety vulnerabilities and offer advice on how to add the needed security.
  • Most communities have numerous non-profit agencies focused in some sense on community safety. Do a bit of research and you will likely find self defense training classes either free of charge or for a nominal charge. The benefits of this type of training are many. First, they are taught by licensed professionals and the focus is on awareness. Just mastering the valuable skill of awareness can be enough to deter and even prevent crime! The people you will meet and the relationships you will cultivate and make a real difference. It is amazing at what can be accomplished when a group of people come together with a common goal.
  • Check into Neighborhood Watch organizations if one is present join, if not consider starting one up. The police can't be everywhere and they welcome this type of crime support.
  • Form partnerships within your neighborhood and plan to ensure that everyone is looking out for each other. If you can secure a handful of neighbors in a small neighborhood and maybe ten if you live in a larger area. These are safety partnerships, you literally look out for each other. Exchange important contact information and discuss what to look for and how to handle
  • Consider investing in home security products. Portable and wireless alarm systems are dependable and cost effective alternatives available. You can easily secure doors and windows with alarms that will alert you of a problem, while deterring a would be criminal.
  • Self defense products, such as pepper spray, can save your life. Purchase a good pepper spray, learn how to use it and practice, practice, practice.
  • Violent crime is prevalent in our society. Unfortunately, this is not going to change, in fact in all likelihood it will get worse as our economy continues to struggle. Millions are unemployed and drug abuse is at it's highest level. You can be a difference maker, you can bring much needed awareness and attention to our crime problem. By following our "power in numbers" strategy and the no nonsense safety tips we listed you will have made home security and personal safety a top priority.
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