Campus Intimate Partner Violence Facts

The state of New York published a comprehensive PDF on Intimate Partner Violence which stated that: • "Nearly 80% of females reported at least one incident of physical or sexual aggression by the end of college. • 42% of stalking incidences reported by college women were perpetrated by a current or former intimate partner. • In the US, approximately 1 in 3...

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Senator To Address Campus Sexual Assault Issue

Sen. Claire McCaskill, Democrat from Missouri, led the way to change the way the military handles sexual assaults, is now turning attention to Campus Sexual Assaults. In a town hall meeting recently, she announced that sexual assaults are even more underreported in colleges than they are in the military. “I’m looking at what college campuses are doing in terms of keeping statistics,...

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Campus Sexual Assaults-A New Look

This week in Washington DC a Department of Education panel continues negotiations over new regulations on sexual assaults on college campuses. You can read the whole story HERE. At the heart of the discussion is a report which revealed that one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college. Some people claim it is more than that because so many assault...

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Domestic Violence-Could It Happen To You?

We saw a headline recently where a recent survey conducted during Domestic Violence month reported that 98% of adults in California believe that domestic violence can happen to anyone. Statistics of all kinds back that up. Domestic violence crosses all racial, ethnic, age, religious belief, social and economic barriers. There are a wide variety of reasons why domestic violence is so under...

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Sex Assault On The Rise At Academies

A story recently said that sex assault reports have increased 50% over the previous academic year at the Air Force Academy which is the highest number of sex assault reports of all military academies with most sexual assaults never getting reported. They are supposed to have higher standards than other Universities, but why should their students be any different from others in...

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Hurdle In Domestic Violence

Domestic violence in a relationship is about as difficult a situation to handle as any. It is fraught with hurdles. This story is about one Domestic Violence Hurdle that typifies the problems with domestic violence. It essentially talks about police involvement. "When a police officer responds to a (domestic violence) call, the first thing he or she does is to separate the...

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Colleges Working On Campus Sexual Assaults

Here's a story about a college that is attempting to improve Sexual Assault Procedures. The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act takes effect soon. It holds institutions of higher education responsible for the prevention of sexual violence, not just responding to it after assaults occur. "It also establishes standard procedures for disciplining those found guilty, and requires greater transparency on sexual violence...

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