Female Assaults On College Campuses

Here is another story about Assaults On Women specifically in Missouri where U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill has led a national push to scrutinize rape and sexual assaults of women on college campuses. "There are young women that are victimized every day, every hour, at a college campus somewhere," McCaskill told the News-Leader on Thursday. "Too often young women second-guess themselves. 'I should...

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Teen Relationship Violence

This is a story about how Teen Dating Violence is a growing concern all over the country. As many as one in three young women have reported they have been in a relationship where they have been injured or hurt in some way. But because of their inexperience and lack of knowledge officials say the worst part is that many teens do...

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Berkeley Campus Sexual Assaults

Here is a story out of Business Week Magazine about how College Sexual Assaults are (mis) handled. According to the story four women reported that the same student assaulted them. A school administrator asked that they put their story in writing and submit the stories to the administrator. For one reason or another, the written accounts never got filed. One of the...

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Domestic Violence Reviews

Here is a story out of Jacksonville about reviews of Domestic Violence cases that occurs in Georgia. According to an in-depth review of the cases conducted by prosecutors and other experts one out of every six Georgians killed as a result of domestic violence has sought help from a shelter or safe house. Nearly 100 cases have been subjected to these intense...

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Teen Relationship Abuse

Here's another article written about Teen Dating Violence offering some tips. Did you know that as many as one in three high school students is in a relationship with someone who is abusive. The abuse does not have to be physical. Some of the most common these days is digital abuse where the partner demands to know passwords and is constantly texting...

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Escape To Freedom Or Domestic Abuse?

Here is an article about Domestic Abuse and the decision that just about everyone in a domestic violence situation has to make. Do you try and escape to freedom or put up with the domestic abuse? It may seem like a simple and obvious answer-escape! But for everyone involved in a domestic violence situation is not easy. "To escape the violence, there...

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Phone Stolen In Parking Lot Assault

Here's another story about a Parking Lot Assault where teenage boy reported that he was jumped by a large group of people who punched him and stole his cell phone. The incident happened at theHeritage High School parking lot after a sporting event at the school. The victim said he was walking across the parking lot headed home when he saw a...

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