Domestic Violence Is An Equal Opportunity Destroyer

A recent study conducted by the American Psychological Association contradicted stereotypes that domestic violence is more prevalent in low-income or minority households. You can read the whole story HERE. Basically it showed violent incidents crossed economic lines with near equal percentages in all income brackets. Families of all races and ethnicities were also affected and three of every four perpetrators were male....

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Tips For Assault Prevention

Here is an interesting story and video about a self-defense instructor who teaches Assault Avoidance Tips. The main thing that he teaches women in his class is to act fast not think. The reason for this is simple: when you're in a life or death situation, reaction times are critical. A few seconds lost thinking about what to do instead of reacting...

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Sexual Assault As Normal?

Here's a story from the Huffington Post about perceptions that young women have about Sexual Assaults. It raises one potential answer to why so many sexual assault crimes-nearly 250,000 a year ago-go unreported 60% of the time. The answer is many women do not see themselves as victims. A sociologist at Marquette University analyzed interviews with 100 girls between the ages of...

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Colleges Get Poor Grades On Campus Assaults

Here's a story from the Huffington Post on the pitiful grades that most colleges got when judged on Campus Assaults. This may be young college students first encounter with the bureaucracy. To combat the red tape and lack of transparency, student activists have called on their peers, allied faculty members, the federal government, and organizations like SAFER to speak out in support...

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Costs Of Domestic Violence

This is an article that talks about Domestic Violence and the effects it has not only on the individual but on the cost to society as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), domestic violence costs society billions of dollars every year with employers losing $13 billion a year due to absences and lost productivity. The CDC also estimates victims...

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Female Assaults On College Campuses

Here is another story about Assaults On Women specifically in Missouri where U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill has led a national push to scrutinize rape and sexual assaults of women on college campuses. "There are young women that are victimized every day, every hour, at a college campus somewhere," McCaskill told the News-Leader on Thursday. "Too often young women second-guess themselves. 'I should...

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Teen Relationship Violence

This is a story about how Teen Dating Violence is a growing concern all over the country. As many as one in three young women have reported they have been in a relationship where they have been injured or hurt in some way. But because of their inexperience and lack of knowledge officials say the worst part is that many teens do...

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