Campus Sexual Assaults-A New Look

This week in Washington DC a Department of Education panel continues negotiations over new regulations on sexual assaults on college campuses. You can read the whole story HERE. At the heart of the discussion is a report which revealed that one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college. Some people claim it is more than that because so many assault...

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Hurdle In Domestic Violence

Domestic violence in a relationship is about as difficult a situation to handle as any. It is fraught with hurdles. This story is about one Domestic Violence Hurdle that typifies the problems with domestic violence. It essentially talks about police involvement. "When a police officer responds to a (domestic violence) call, the first thing he or she does is to separate the...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Knockout Game Assaults-Best Defense

This is a story from Des Moines Iowa about the latest craze in felony assaults sweeping the nation called Knockout Game Assaults. The story details how two Iowa State University students think that they were the targets of the deadly game called the "knockout game" where players hit unsuspecting people and try to knock them out. There have been reports of the...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Teen Relationship Abuse

This is an article about Teen Dating Violence and how parents can do a lot to protect their children from injury or death by knowing the signs and intervening when necessary. "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are five types of dating abuse: physical, mental, emotional (control issues), sexual and financial. In studies, 1 in 10 teens reports...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

What Is A Stun Gun?

Back in the 1930's a farmer in Iowa came up with a way to move his cattle along more efficiently. The cattle prod. That was the birth of the stun gun. Way back then, it was big, ugly and produced 10,000 volts, but gosh how much electricity do you need to move a stupid cow? Like many other things law enforcement agencies...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

College Sexual Assaults Often Overlooked

Here is an opinion piece about the prevalence of College Sexual Assault on campuses nationwide. It talks about the task force that was recently created by Pres. Obama to attempt to address the issue. The piece makes the point about parents who send their daughters off to college have a lot of things to worry about, but being raped usually isn't one...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Domestic Violence On The Rise In Ozarks

This is a story and video about Domestic Violence and how domestic violence cases are on the rise in Springfield, Missouri. It describes the victim was in abusive marriage for 12 years and didn't recognize how dangerous it was. Police and community officials are trying to address this issue throughout the city and state. The number and severity of domestic violence cases...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments