featured Teen Relationship Violence
Here's a story by the Star-Herald newspaper about preventing Teen Dating Violence which is becoming a much bigger problem every year because television, music, video games and the Internet perpetuate the idea that dating violence is acceptable. "For teenagers starting to date, this misinformation gives them a false view of relationships, making it harder for teens to recognize when they are in...
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Teen Dating Violence Month
"The life of a teen is hard enough without adding an abusive relationship into the equation. But that’s the situation an estimated 1 in 3 teenagers will find themselves in during these life-shaping years." February has been designated teen dating violence month in an effort to draw attention to a growing problem that teens themselves do not necessarily recognize because not all...
On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments
Young Women And Relationship Violence
About 10 years ago the Liz Claiborne Corporation did a comprehensive study about teenage dating and the perils associated with it such as assaults that are normally connected to domestic violence. Recently there was another study done and the conclusions and facts presented were almost exactly the same. What does that mean? That nothing has gotten better for young women in their...
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