Teen Dating Violence-A Big Problem

Here is an opinion piece about Teen Dating Violence a subject that has gotten a lot of attention lately. About one in three teens will be emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually abused by a dating partner. Even if this never happens to the teen in your life, it’s likely they’ll know someone in an abusive relationship. If teens would respect themselves and...

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Domestic Violence Up In UK

Here is a story out of London England where the Daily Mail did a story about domestic violence showing that there was a sharp rise in domestic violence in the last quarter of 2013, with a 15.5% increase. Victims suffered abuse at home resulting in a 5.1% rise in the number of attacks with injuries compared to the previous three months. You...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

College Sexual Assaults Often Go Unreported; Change On The Way?

Although the Federal Clery Act requires U.S. colleges to document and disclose all sexual assaults that occur on their campuses annually, universities can only tabulate reported incidents; and sexual assaults often go unreported. To address the problem, a number of students and experts on sexual violence are pushing universities to conduct comprehensive student surveys. While some schools have been accused of manipulating...

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Can New California Bill For Reporting Rapes On College Campuses Be The Answer?

more info here There is a new law before the California General Assembly that would change the way rapes on or near college campuses are reported. One of the big problems, in our opinion, is that sexual assaults on college campuses have typically been handled by on campus personnel with no outside interference from local police. This has led to a a...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

UK Domestic Abuse Law In Works

more info HERE As widespread and rampant as domestic abuse is all over the world, it was surprising to learn that the UK did not have a specific offense making domestic abuse a crime. But now lawmakers from all parties there are sponsoring a U.S. style law that would make sentences reflect whether domestic abuse, both physical and psychological, was part of...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Male Title IX Campus Assault Backlash

For years now women have filed federal complaints which claim that campus sexual assault investigators lack training and failed to adequately investigate facts of that assault. They also maintain that these felony assailants get too much leniency in their punishment. Read the rest of the story HERE. Now men are claiming that the investigations are biased in favor of the accusers. There...

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Favorite Stun Guns

In today's blog post we're taking a look at the top two favorite stun guns. The first one is the 8,000,000 volt Streetwise Stun Flashlight which has been used by law enforcement but is now available to civilians. It is made of tough military grade aluminum alloy and features triple stun technology which makes for much more intimidating presence. Aside from the...

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