Favorite Self-Defense Products For Women

Female self-defense should be on the minds of every husband or boyfriend for their loved ones. Part of the reason for that is because women are assaulted approximately 9 times more often than men. One of the best ways to improve female self-defense is with products such as stun guns or pepper sprays. They provide a nonlethal means for self-defense. There are...

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Hurdle In Domestic Violence

Domestic violence in a relationship is about as difficult a situation to handle as any. It is fraught with hurdles. This story is about one Domestic Violence Hurdle that typifies the problems with domestic violence. It essentially talks about police involvement. "When a police officer responds to a (domestic violence) call, the first thing he or she does is to separate the...

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Indian Women Fight Back With OC Spray

Here is a story from the Boston Globe about Indian women fighting back with self-defense pepper sprays. You can read the whole story HERE. Indian women are taking the initiative these days in learning self-defense techniques and how to use pepper spray for their own self-defense instead of the long-standing tradition of relying on male relatives to accompany them for safety. According to...

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Campus Sexual Assault Reporting

This is a story about Campus Sexual Assaults and why so few of them are reported. It also suggests, for the first time that we've seen in writing, something that we have been talking about for years-that the University get out of the investigation and prosecution of these serious crimes and leave it to a professional law enforcement agency. However, experts say...

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Domestic Violence Cases Cause Squeeze On Shelter Space

This is a story from a St. Louis television station that is reporting a shortage of shelter space for women because that an increase in Domestic Violence. Shelters are particularly busy in winter time and this winter has been one of the most difficult and challenging pushing people to the edge. There is no particular explanation anybody can come up with for...

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What Is A Stun Gun?

Back in the 1930's a farmer in Iowa came up with a way to move his cattle along more efficiently. The cattle prod. That was the birth of the stun gun. Way back then, it was big, ugly and produced 10,000 volts, but gosh how much electricity do you need to move a stupid cow? Like many other things law enforcement agencies...

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Parking Lot Assaults And Safety Tips

Here is a story and video about a Parking Lot Assault that occurred recently in the Salem area. The story also has some parking lot tips for residents. According to the story, a woman was leaving the grocery store, putting her groceries in the car when a subject comes up from behind her grabs her and then pushes her to the ground...

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