Domestic Violence Plan Announced

This is a news story about how government officials, community partners courts, law enforcement and local communities and team together to announce the implementation of a comprehensive Domestic Violence Plan. Domestic Violence is a growing problem across the nation. It is the leading cause of injury to women-more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined and the 7th leading cause of death....

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Women Joggers At Risk

This is a story from Australia where a sexual predator has been assaulting Women Joggers. The perpetrator attacks from behind in the dark and has worn a hood in each incident. "Officers are have increased patrols in the Newport and Yarraville areas after three women were grabbed from behind and indecently assaulted while jogging between 6am and 8am over the past two...

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U.S. News & World Report College Rankings And Sexual Assaults on Campus

Here is an op-ed piece on Campus Sexual Assaults and U.S. News & World Report college rankings. Several weeks ago a question was raised about U.S. News & World Report college rankings and whether or not they should include campus sexual assaults. The U.S. News & World Report rankings are a hugely influential factor in how millions of people make college decisions...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Aussie Epidemic In Domestic Violence

Here's a story out of ABC news in Australia concerning what many are calling a Domestic Violence Epidemic. The story goes on to say that domestic violence is it epidemic proportions and that it is reached the point where it is time to clear a national emergency. "I think it's about saying for once we are going to pull together all our...

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What Is The Best Weapon For Your Self Defense?

If you could choose one weapon for self-defense, which would it be? For women the ability to defend themselves from a distance is very appealing. Most pepper sprays have a range of at least 8 feet some as high as 18 feet. Women have more opportunities to use a self-defense weapon because they are assaulted nine times more often than men. And...

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White House Weighs In On Campus Sexual Assaults

This is a story from Reuters news service about campus Sexual Assaults and how the White House is pressing U.S. Colleges and Universities to do more to curb these assaults. Part of the national effort is to establish new website to help victims find resources and report crimes. This comes after a three-month study on how to curb sexual assaults on...

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TIME: Campuses Called Hazardous Places

In a recent cover story in on The Sexual Assault Crisis on American Campuses they labeled America's campuses as hazardous places. The truth is, for young women, particularly those who are 18 or 19 years old, just beginning their college experience, America’s campuses are hazardous places. Recent research shows that 1 in 5 women is the victim of an attempted or...

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