Teen Dating Violence-An Epidemic?

Nationally, 32 percent of college-aged women — and one in five girls age 12 to 15 — experience dating violence, officials said at the announcement. But one survey showed that 81 percent of parents didn't think teen dating violence was a problem or didn't know if it was, said Cheryl Pytel, a member of the Interval House board. You can read the...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Sexual Assault On College Campuses

This is an article out of a magazine that caters to teenagers about sexual assaults on college campuses. You can read the whole story HERE. We have been writing this topic for close to 10 years now, but it's finally starting to get some traction in support all the way up to the White House was Pres. Obama calling on schools across...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

New Law To Curtail Campus Sexul Assaults

Here's another story about how state legislators in Connecticut are trying to curtail campus sexual assaults. You can read the whole story HERE. The bill requires institutions to permit anonymous reporting of assaults, promote bystander intervention, establish resource teams to review policies and create links with local crisis centers. There's a lot of frustration on college campuses about what appears to be...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Best Zap Stun Guns-The Top Two

In today's blog post we are introducing you to the top two best Zap stun guns that we carry. Zap brand is a little-known producer of stun guns it is famous for its unique designs. These two stun guns that were talking about today are good examples. click for more details The first one is the Double Trouble Stunner that is 1.2...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Domestic Violence Is An Equal Opportunity Destroyer

A recent study conducted by the American Psychological Association contradicted stereotypes that domestic violence is more prevalent in low-income or minority households. You can read the whole story HERE. Basically it showed violent incidents crossed economic lines with near equal percentages in all income brackets. Families of all races and ethnicities were also affected and three of every four perpetrators were male....

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Tips For Assault Prevention

Here is an interesting story and video about a self-defense instructor who teaches Assault Avoidance Tips. The main thing that he teaches women in his class is to act fast not think. The reason for this is simple: when you're in a life or death situation, reaction times are critical. A few seconds lost thinking about what to do instead of reacting...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Campus Sexual Assault Epidemic

Here's a story out of the Los Angeles times where Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Hillsborough) called assaults on young women in colleges a Sexual Assault Epidemic. "The prevalence of sexual assault on campuses is an epidemic," Speier said in an interview. "It's going to take money, resources, enforcement and a dramatic change in the culture" to fix. Speier said research suggests that one...

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